We engage in contracts every day. Sometimes it is in the course of running a small business or as an individual. We also sign contracts as consumers. Put simply, a contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties that creates an obligation to do or not do something. However, form contracts are too often used where they should not be … creating untold liabilities for all parties bound by the contract. A bit of clever and detailed contract negotiation, drafting, or review on the front end can save a lot of time, money and heartache on the back end. If the agreement has already been made, a thorough contract review may reveal a little or no consequence option for breach of the contract. I offer aid with many different contracts, such as:

usiness Contracts
A contract is one of the most common legal transactions your business will execute. Regardless of the type of business you run, individualized counseling on contract law is key to crafting sound business agreements that are legally sound and enforceable should a dispute arise. Be wary of form contracts as they do not reflect the unique needs of you and your business, much less the specific agreement. I can help you draft a contract that advances your business.
mployment Contracts
Do not assume that employment contracts are non-negotiable. Everyone has different needs and these needs should be reflected in the terms of your employment. Maybe you need the ability to work remotely, or are willing to take less in salary in exchange for some form of performance-based compensation or equity stake – make sure you get it in the contract! A happy employee is a profitable employee, make certain the employment contract for your next big job is one you can not just live with, but flourish under – you and your employer will both be glad you did.
partment or House Lease
The contract between a Landlord and a Tenant is known as a lease. The terms of your lease will greatly impact your life during its term. Is rent due on the 1st and late on the 5th? Can you sublet, if so does it need to be approved by the landlord? Will your lease renew automatically if you fail to give proper notice? If so, how much notice is required to avoid renewal of the lease. A quick review of your lease, or prospective lease, can reveal a lot about the term of your life under this lease.
dditional Services
  • Confession of Judgement
  • Settlement Agreement
  • Airbnb Agreement
  • Prenuptial Agreement
  • Postnuptial Agreement
hat Kind of Contract Are You Signing Next?
Contact Herbert Law today and find out how I can help you negotiate, draft or review your next contract. Call (804) 351-6118 or contact us online at info@herbert-law.com.